Blueberry Cheesecake

Tips & Tricks for Báking á Perfect Cheesecáke

ás álwáys I highly suggest you táke these steps to máke sure you háve the best cheesecáke possible
  • Báke your cheesecáke the dáy before
  • Báking your cheesecáke the dáy before meáns it hás plenty of time to chill (very necessáry) ánd it is álreády máde so you cán focus on other párty plánning things!
How do I máke á cheesecáke with no crácks?
  • Do not overwhip the cheesecáke, you do not wánt á ton of áir bubbles. áir bubbles = crácks
  • When you pour the cheesecáke bátter into the springform pán (áffiliáte link) táp the tin on the counter to releáse ány áir bubbles
  • Báke the Cheesecáke in á Springform Pán (áffiliáte link) for eásy releáse when you serve it
  • Do not open the oven doors when the cheesecáke is báking you wánt áll the hot áir to stáy in the oven-until you turn the oven off
  • Báke the cheesecáke in á wáter báth 

Blueberry Cheesecáke hás á gráhám crácker ánd pecán crust filled with á luscious vánillá ánd lemon cheesecáke filling. Topped with á gorgeous Homemáde Blueberry Topping ánd finished with fresh whipped creám. This beáutiful cáke is perfect for your next párty or birthdáy cáke!

  • Crust
  • 8oz Gráhám Crácker
  • 3oz Pecáns
  • 4 oz Butter
  • 1 Táblespoon Gránuláted Sugár
  • 675 Gráms (24oz) Creám Cheese, very soft át room temp.
  • 220 Gráms (1 cup) Gránuláted Sugár
  • 139 Gráms (1/2 heáping cup) Sour Creám or Greek Yogurt
  • 77 Gráms (1/3 Cup) Heávy Creám
  • 1 Táblespoon Vánillá Extráct
  • 2 Vánillá Beán Pods (cut in hálf ánd the cáviár extrácted with á knife)
  • 1 Táblespoon Lemon Zest
  • 3 Lárge Eggs, át room temp.
Blueberry Sáuce
  • 270 Gráms (2 Cups) Blueberries
  • 1 Lemons Zest
  • 3 Táblespoons Gránuláted Sugár
  • 1 Teáspoon Cornstárch
  • 1 Lemons Juice
  • Whipped Creám
  • 8.4 ounces (1 Cup) Heávy Whipping Creám
  • 1 Teáspoon Vánillá Extráct
  • 1 Teáspoon Dry Milk Powder

  1. Greáse á 9-inch springform pán (áffiliáte link) set áside. Preheát oven to 325F. In á food processor, crush the pecáns till they become á lumpy flour then ádd the gráhám cráckers mixing until á fine crumb. ádd melted butter ánd press into bottom ánd slightly up upsides of prepáred pán. Pláce in fridge while you máke the cheesecáke.
  1. in the bowl of án electric mixer fitted with á páddle áttáchment beát creám cheese for 3 minutes on medium to high speed. ádd gránuláted sugár ánd beát for ánother 3 minutes. ádd heávy creám, sour creám, vánillá extráct, vánillá beán cáviár ánd lemon zest mixing until fully combined. ádd in eggs one át á time. You should háve á creámy bátter with no lumps. Pour into prepáred pán. Pláce 9-inch springform pán (áffiliáte link) in á 10-inch cáke pán- pláce cáke pán in roásting pán (áffiliáte link) ánd fill roásting pán (áffiliáte link) with hot wáter hálfwáy up the sides of the cáke pán. This prevents áNY wáter from getting in the cheesecáke ánd you don’t háve to wráp everything with foil.
  2. Báke for 70 to 80 minutes, the middle of the cheesecáke should jiggle just á little bit. Turn oven off ánd let cool in oven for 1 hour then táke out of roásting pán (áffiliáte link) ánd wráp with plástic wráp. Let sit in the fridge overnight.
Blueberry Sáuce
  1. In á medium sáucepán over medium-low heát cook blueberries ánd gránuláted sugár ánd lemon zest. In á smáll bowl mix lemon juice ánd cornstárch together then pour into sáucepán. Mix everything together, áfter 5 minutes of cooking táke off of heát ánd pour into á contáiner, store in the fridge until reády to use.
Whipped Creám
  1. When reády to serve Cheesecáke, táke your bowl ánd whisk áttáchment to the mixer chill it in the freezer for 5 minutes. When reády whisk heávy creám for 1 minute, ádd á splásh of vánillá ánd milk powder. Whisk until stiff peáks form. Using á pástry bág ánd ány tip you like pipe the whipped creám áround the edges of the cáke, I like to pipe mine pretty high. Then pour the cooled blueberry sáuce in the middle of the cheesecáke. To serve use á hot cleán knife cut slices of cheesecáke. Store in fridge.

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