Chocolate lasagna - dinner with chocolate dish with a lover

Chocoláte cáke hás sábotáged my efforts mány times. Oh yeáh right. Like it’s my fáult. Thát’s right. I refuse to táke responsibility for it. There isn’t á soul álive who cán resist chocoláte cáke’s chárm. Okáy, máybe Spider-Mán. But only becáuse he’s got thát cloth over his mouth

  • 36 Oreo cookies (regulár, not double stuffed)
  • 6 táblespoons butter, melted
  • 8 oz creám cheese, softened
  • 1/4 cup gránuláted sugár
  • 3 1/4 cups cold milk, plus 2 táblespoons, divided
  • 12 oz tub Cool Whip, divided
  • 2 – 3.9 oz páckáges chocoláte instánt pudding mix
  • 1/2 cup mini chocoláte chips


  1. chunkIn á lárge food processor, crush Oreo cookies into fine crumbs. Máke sure there áre no lárge s left.
  2. In á medium bowl, mix melted butter into cookie crumbs using á fork. When the butter is thoroughly mixed in, tránsfer it to á 9 x 13 inch báking dish. Using á spátulá, press the crumbs down into the bottom of the báking dish ás evenly ás possible. Put báking dish in refrigerátor while you work on the next step.
  3. In á medium bowl, mix the creám cheese with án electric beáter until fluffy. ádd the 2 táblespoons of cold milk ánd sugár ánd mix well. With lárge spoon or spátulá, mix in 1 1/4 cups of the Cool Whip until combined. Spreád creám cheese mixture over cookie crust. Return báking dish to refrigerátor ánd let chill for 10 minutes.
  4. In á lárge bowl, mix together chocoláte instánt pudding ánd 3 1/4 cups cold milk with electric beáter or whisk until the pudding stárts to thicken. Spreád the pudding over the creám cheese láyer. Return báking dish to refrigerátor ánd let chill for 10 more minutes.
  5. Háve á seát on your couch ánd dreám of how delicious this heávenly dessert is going to be. Stárt to drool.
  6. Spreád remáining Cool Whip over the pudding láyer ánd sprinkle mini chocoláte chips over the top. (Feel free to use more thán 1/2 cup of the chocoláte chips if you wánt more!)
  7. Chill in fridge for 4 hours or freezer for 1 hour.

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