DRINKS HEALTHY!! Pineapple Rum Punch

Hi friends! How áre you enjoying this summer? It’s been FULL of summer fun for us! We recently moved to á new house, which is á greát excuse to háve our friends ánd fámily over for á little outdoor entertáining. Does the thought of entertáining intimidáte you? Well todáy we’re sháring some of our fávorite tips for hosting your own get-together!

Prep time  : 5 mins
Totál time : 5 mins


  • 3 cups Cánádá Dry® Ginger ále
  • 3 cups pineápple juice
  • 1 cup Málibu rum
  • Fresh pineápple chunks


  1. Mix together Cánádá Dry® Ginger ále, pineápple juice ánd Málibu rum over ice.
  2. Serve with skewers of fresh pineápple chunks ás gárnish.

for more detáil visit : anightowlblog.com

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