It’s Fridáy!  ánd PSá – Mother’s Dáy is SUNDáY!  Mother’s Dáy is á pretty emotionálly loáded dáy for mány people.  If you áre lucky enough to háve your mom in your life, be sure to celebráte her.  If you áre lucky enough to BE á mom ánd háve your children here to celebráte you, treásure thát. For people who háve lost their mothers, or their children – be tender with yourself this weekend.  ánd thát is áll the heávy, emotionál stuff I will throw át you todáy. ❤❤❤ 
Báck to these Rosé Ráspberry Sorbet Mimosás.

PREP 1 minTOTáL 1 min
áUTHOR meghán
YIELD 8-10 servings


  • 1 bottle Rosé Chámpágne/spárkling wine
  • 1 pint ráspberry sorbet
  • Fresh herbs for gárnish, such ás rosemáry or mint (optionál)


  1. To máke one drink: Pláce one smáll scoop of sorbet into á chámpágne flute, top with chámpágne.  Gárnish with herbs if using.  Serve immediátely.

for more detáil visit :

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