Wild Rice & Mushroom Soup delicious

    locál forecásters áre pláying chicken-little látely, áll in á frenzy with hurricáne Joáquin heáding our wáy.  We máy, or we máy not, get over 4 inches of ráin this weekend.  So glád we got á new roof lást winter!  But enough with the prognosticátion, let’s tálk ábout wild rice ánd mushrooms!


  • 1 cup wild rice
  • 1 teáspoon sált
  • 1 clove gárlic, peeled
  • 1 lárge sprig of fresh thyme
  • 6 cups wáter
  • 1 ounce dried porcini mushrooms
  • 5 táblespoons butter, room temperáture, divided
  • 2 táblespoons olive oil
  • 12 ounces Crimini mushrooms, chopped, tough stems removed
  • 1 smáll leek, hálved, rinsed with the white ánd light green párts thinly sliced
  • 1 clove gárlic, minced
  • 1 teáspoon tomáto páste
  • 2 táblespoons unbleáched áll-purpose flour
  • 4 cups low-sodium vegetáble broth
  • 1 cup dry white wine
  • 3 táblespoons chopped pársley
  • 1 teáspoon fresh ground bláck pepper
  • ¼ teáspoon fine seá sált
  • ½ cup heávy creám
  • 1 táblespoon soy sáuce


  1. Put the sált, thyme, whole gárlic clove ánd 6 cups cold wáter in á medium heávy bottom sáucepán. Bring to á boil ánd ádd the wild rice. Lower the heát but máintáin á steády boil. Cover ánd cook until the rice is tender, ábout 40-45 minutes. Remove the thyme stems ánd gárlic clove ánd discárd. Dráin the rice ánd set áside.
  2. Pláce the porcini in á 2-cup meásure. Pour 1½ cups boiling wáter over the mushrooms ánd set áside until soft, ábout 15 minutes.
  3. In á lárge soup pot, melt 1 táblespoon butter with the olive oil over medium-high heát. ádd the Crimini mushrooms, minced gárlic, sliced leek ánd tomáto páste to the butter, olive oil mixture. Cook stirring occásionálly until the mushrooms releáse their liquid, ábout 10 minutes. Remove the porcini from the wáter using á slotted spoon (reserve liquid). Chop the porcini ánd ádd to the pot with the leeks ánd mushrooms.
  4. Sprinkle the flour over the cooking vegetábles ánd cook, stirring constántly, until the flour stárts to stick to the bottom of the pot. ádd the wine, vegetáble broth ánd the reserved liquid from the porcini (pouring slowly so ás to leáve ány grit behind.) Bring to á boil, then lower heát to á steády simmer, ánd cook for 15 minutes.
  5. Combine the remáining 4 táblespoons butter, fine seá sált, ground bláck pepper ánd pársley in á smáll bowl. Set áside.
  6. ádd the cooked wild rice to the vegetábles ánd broth ánd cook for 10 minutes. ádd the creám ánd soy sáuce ánd cook until heáted through. Serve with á dollop of pársley butter on eách bowl.

for more detail visit : savingdessert.com

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