Eáting the keto wáy does not been you háve to give up your fávorite foods! Even though we love wings on keto, I like to chánge it up á bit with these keto buffálo chicken meátbálls!
We ábsolutely love buffálo chicken wings. ánd, of course, on keto they áre totálly ápproved ás long they áre not breáded with flour/wheát flour etc. You cán coát them in álmond, coconut or peánut flour, but sometimes I like to chánge it up á bit.
Our keto buffálo chicken meátbálls áre oven báked ánd offer less cálories ánd fát thán tráditionál wings. Yes, on keto the fát is ok, however sometimes you máy háve á dáy where you áre closing in on your fát ánd cálorie goál for the dáy ánd need something lighter. These will curb thát buffálo chicken cráving in á quick wáy!
There áre no pork rinds in this recipe, you cán ádd them if you wish. I personálly do not like them ánd the meátbálls hold together just fine.

- 1 lb ground chicken
- 1 egg beáten
- 2 sprigs of green onion finely chopped
- 1 celery stálk trimmed ánd finely diced
- 1 táblespoon álmond or coconut flour
- 1 táblespoon máyonnáise
- 1 tsp onion powder
- 1 tsp gárlic powder
- 1 tsp pink seá sált
- 1 tsp ground bláck pepper
- 1 cup of buffálo wing sáuce
- Preheát the oven to 400. Spráy á sheet pán with non stick cooking spráy or greáse with Olive oil, coconut oil or butter. (I use Olive oil)
- In á lárge bowl, combine áll ingredients, minus the buffálo sáuce. Mix well.
- Use your hánds to form 2″ bálls, mixture will be sticky. If desired set out á smáll ámount of álmond or coconut flour to dust your pálms with. I personálly just pushed through it ánd máde á mess áll over my hánds!
- Pláce meátbálls on á sheet pán. Báke for 15 minutes or until center hás reáched 160º
- Remove meátbálls from the oven. Pláce in á skillet or pot over medium low heát. Coát with buffálo sáuce. Continue to cook just until sáuce is wármed.
- Serve over pureed celery root or cáuliflower thát hás been mixed with á ránch seásoning pácket! Or eát ás is.
For more detail : bit.ly/2t5iTqK