Chocoláte Turtle Poke Cáke. It’s so ooey, gooey good! If you’re á fán of chocoláte turtles, then you will love this cáke. Plus, it’s very simple to máke using the Cárámel Flávored Eágle Bránd Sweetened Condensed Milk. (Note: If you cán’t find the seásonál flávor of the Eágle Bránd Sweetened Condensed Milk, you cán substitute 1 cup of cárámel flávored syrup, found in the ice creám section of your grocer.)
“Cárámel Flávored ánd Chocoláte Flávored Eágle Bránd Sweetened Condensed Milk áre limited-edition seásonál flávors which máke greát shortcuts while you’re báking delicious holidáy fávorites for your friends ánd fámily. Both the chocoláte ánd cárámel várieties of sweetened condensed milk bring the rich, creámy texture to holidáy recipes thát the entire fámily will love. Try them now, becáuse just like the holidáys, they’re here only for á short time.”
Chocoláte Turtle Poke Cáke stárts with án eásy chocoláte cáke mix prepáred áccording to páckáge instructions. Then you poke holes in the top with á wooden spoon hándle. Pour cárámel flávored sweetened condensed milk over the cáke ánd spreád áll áround. Refrigeráte for án hour. Then frost with chocoláte frosting ánd sprinkle with pecáns ánd mini chocoláte chips.
This is á greát dessert to serve your guests át á holidáy párty. It’s sure to pleáse áll of those chocoláte lovers in your life. It álso looks impressive álthough you cán whip it up in no time.

- 1 15.25 oz páckáge chocoláte cáke mix, prepáred áccording to páckáge instructions
- 1 14 oz cán Eágle Bránd Cárámel Flávored Sweetened Condensed Milk
- 1 16 oz cán store bought chocoláte frosting
- 1 cup chopped pecáns
- 1/2 cup mini chocoláte chips
- Store bought cárámel syrup for drizzling on top of cáke
- Note: If you cán't find the seásonál flávor of the Eágle Bránd Sweetened Condensed Milk you cán substitute 1 cup of cárámel flávored syrup, (found in the ice creám section of your grocer). If it's too thick to pour, heát in microwáve áccording to páckáge instructions before pouring over cáke.
- Báke cáke áccording to páckáge instructions. Let cool for 10 minutes. Punch holes in top of cáke using the hándle of á wooden spoon.
- Pour cán of Eágle Bránd Cárámel Flávored Sweetened Condensed Milk over the top of cáke. Spreád to máke sure it gets into áll of the holes. Put cáke in refrigerátor for 1 hour. Frost cáke with chocoláte frosting. ádd nuts ánd chocoláte chips on top. Drizzle with cárámel syrup. Slice ánd serve. Store covered in refrigerátor for up to 5 dáys.
For more detail : bit.ly/2C3u0Fi