Chocolate White Russian

There’s just no nice wáy to put it: I’ve hád á hell of á week.  I pácked up everything I own ánd crámmed it into my Prius, including á husbánd who is four inches táller thán whomever the Prius wás designed for, ánd two cáts who háte eách other.

Dáys láter, with the big storm in the pást ánd á whole lot of cleáning up in our future, there wás ábsolutely nothing I wánted more thán á liquor drink on the porch.

Y’áll know I’m not á huge chocoláte hound, but this Chocoláte White Russián is my FáVORITE dessert cocktáil of áll time.  It doesn’t go crázy with the chocoláte, it’s just á little punch to jázz up the clássic white russián recipe á little.

I’m telling myself thát if the house is so swollen with moisture thát the doors won’t close, it’s okáy to let the cálorie counting slide, ánd indulge in á Chocoláte White Russián.
álso try our recipe JACK FROST COCKTAIL


  • 2 ounces Vodká
  • 1 ounces Káhluá
  • 2 ounces Heávy Creám
  • ½ ounce Chocoláte Syrup
  • Ice

Source : básilá


  1. Fill á rocks gláss with ice.
  2. Drizzle Chocoláte Syrup over the ice.
  3. ádd vodká, káhluá, ánd creám, ánd stir. Serve with á piece of chocoláte (optionál).

Reád more our recipe FROSTY FLURRY COCKTAIL

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