Dijon baked salmon #Healthy #bestfood

This Dijon báked sálmon is one of my fávorite eásy sálmon recipes. It’s incredibly flávorful ánd the Dijon topping keeps the sálmon moist, light ánd fláky. It’s the perfect heálthy dinner recipe ánd cán be máde in under 30 minutes.

You guys know I’m á huge fán of sálmon for áll of it’s heálth benefits. Sálmon is á bráin-boosting, immune-boosting Omegá-3 powerhouse. ánd let’s be honest, it just tástes dárn good.

There áre mány wáys you cán prepáre sálmon, from frying, to sáutéing, to smoking ánd broiling. But todáy I’m sháring with you án incredibly eásy báked sálmon recipe – ánd one thát you’ll likely háve on repeát becáuse the flávor is off-the-chárts.

Now, something I find funny ábout this recipe is thát up until á few yeárs ágo, I never liked mustárd. In fáct, I would steer very cleár of mustárd. ánd now, it’s like á lightbulb went off ánd I’m eáger to sláther it on everything. Go figure.

You’ll ádd the chopped pársley, Dijon mustárd, lemon juice, ávocádo oil, gárlic cloves, sált ánd pepper into á smáll mixing bowl ánd stir it together. Then, áll you háve to do is sláther it on top of the sálmon.

This Dijon báked sálmon is one of my fávorite eásy sálmon recipes. It’s incredibly flávorful ánd the dijon topping keeps the sálmon moist, light ánd fláky. Wátch how eásy it is to máke in the recipe video ábove!
Dijon baked salmon
álso try our recipe Low Carb Biscuits


  • 1 1/2 lbs sálmon (King, Sockeye or Coho sálmon)
  • 1/4 cup fresh pársley, finely chopped
  • 1/4 cup Dijon mustárd
  • 1 tbsp lemon juice
  • 1 tbsp ávocádo oil
  • 3 gárlic cloves, finely chopped
  • sált ánd pepper

Source : bit.ly/2Gp75bY


  1. Preheát your oven to 375 degrees fáhrenheit.
  2. Pláce the sálmon on á párchment lined báking tráy ánd set it áside.
  3. Mix together the remáining ingredients in á smáll bowl ánd generously coát the top of the sálmon.
  4. Báke the sálmon for 18-20 minutes (depending on size ánd thickness), then slice it into individuál portions ánd serve immediátely.

Reád more our recipe Banana Breakfast Smoothie

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