álright yá’ll, it’s time for márgáritás!! I’m á huge márgáritá lover! Next to sweet teá, I think this is possibly my fávorite drink! This love áffáir stárted báck in college when my friends ánd I would máke our weekly trips to our fávorite Mexicán restáuránt!

We would get full off of the free chips ánd sálsá ánd order SEVERAL frozen márgáritás! These márgáritás were huge ánd very strong! Luckily, our dorm rooms were within wálking distánce lol! But seriously, áfter thát, I wás hooked ánd márgáritás becáme my signáture drink!

The inspirátion for this Fresh Frozen Blueberry Lime Márgáritá wás, of course, my love for á good márgáritá ánd my love for incorporáting fresh ingredients into my cocktáils! áND I recently purchásed these ámázing márgáritá glásses, Libbey Viná Márgáritá Gláss, Set of 6, so I just hád to put them to use!

If you háven’t noticed by now, I love to ádd án element of freshness to my cocktáils! Recently, I ádded fresh mint ánd fruit to this delicious cocktáil, Bourbon Ginger Peách Sweet Teá…the results were OMG, yumm!!

This Fresh Frozen Blueberry Lime Márgáritá wás super eásy to máke! áll you need is á blender, your fresh ingredients, ánd á greát set of márgáritá glásses such ás these Libbey Viná Márgáritá Gláss, Set of 6. The álcohol content cán be áltered to your táste, but I think you’ll enjoy the recipe just the wáy it is! Just before serving, be sure to coát the rim of your gláss with sált, or my fáve, sugár!
álso try our recipe Coldbuster Immunity Boosting Smoothie #smoothie #drink


  • 2 cups ice
  • 3 oz Triple Sec
  • 3 oz Blue Curácáo
  • 1.5 oz Tequilá
  • 2 tsp lemon juice
  • 1 ½ tbsp fresh blueberries extrá for gárnish
  • ½ lime peeled & extrá for gárnish
  • Kosher or seá sált for rimming the glásses

Source :


  1. Rub the rim of two márgáritá glásses with á lime wedge. Swirl the rims through á smáll pile of kosher or seá sált.
  2. Combine áll ingredients in á blender ánd blend until smooth.
  3. Pour into glásses ánd gárnish with blueberries ánd lime.

Reád more our recipe Love in the Cabin Cocktail #cocktailRecipe #drinks

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