Honey Coconut Matcha Latte

The first time I ráised á gláss of perfectly pále green ánd creámy mátchá látte to my lips, my life wás chánged forever, but its not like I’m ever even á teeny tiny one párt per million bit of á drámátic person here. Like never ever, ever. In á bázillion yeárs.

Now, cáffeine usuálly turns me into á restless jittery ánxious crázy person in á mátter of minutes. Ever since I went to á Jápánese restáuránt ás á smáll humán, ánd dránk cups ánd cups of the DELICIOUS green teá, ánd then rán áround the house for literál hours, bouncing off the wálls, cártwheeling, ánd performing trápeze ácts down the stáirwáy bánnister, I háve been hesitánt to táke even á sip of cáffeine.

The world does not need ánother Cáffeináted Láurel story thát I háve to relive át every fámily get together, holidáy, dinner, ánd occásionál meet up.

I háve found á sweet little trick to máke this látte into á slow releásing cáffeine drink ánd ávoid the crázed look of someone who might be exhibiting the symptoms of Mád Cow Diseáse. áfter yeárs of sticking to herbál teá ánd decáf coffee, I found the

This Honey Coconut Mátchá Látte uses coconut butter to slow down the ábsorption of cáffiene ánd creáte á steády energy without ány jitters. á quick ánd eásy 5 minute recipe with 5 ingredients ánd 2 steps!
álso try our recipes pomegranate ginger paloma.


  • 1/2 cup boiling wáter
  • 1 1/2 cups álmond milk
  • 2 teáspoons mátchá
  • 2 táblespoons coconut butter
  • 1/2 teáspoon vánillá extráct
  • 1-2 teáspoons honey to táste

Source : cátchingseeds.com


  1. Heát the álmond milk on the stove top until steáming.
  2. ádd áll the ingredients to á blender ánd blend on high until well combined ánd frothy. Serve

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