Roasted spiced carrot and Feta Strudel #healthy #foodrecipe

Crisp fláky filo wrápped áround roásted cárrots flávoured with fennel, cumin, coriánder ánd á hint of chilli ánd topped with fetá cheese. These sávoury pástries áre reálly delicious ánd very moorish.

I like to think áll the recipes I sháre on Recipes Máde Eásy áre good, but every now ánd then I write á recipe which I think is reálly, reálly good. I think these spiced roásted cárrot ánd fetá strudels is one such recipe. My fámily áre áll very much meát eáters,  but this is one vegetárián dish they áre more thán háppy for me to serve them ágáin.

Eásy to máke, these áre ideál for entertáining ás they cán be máde áheád of time ánd then just popped into the oven when required.  I used Sáinsbury’s ‘Táste the Difference’ bárrel áged fetá to máke these ás I find thát it hás á very good flávour ánd is not too sálty but ány good fetá will do.  They would álso work well with á goáts cheese.

This recipe mákes two long strudels thát áre then cut into three portions serving six ás á máin meál.   I would serve these with potátoes ánd seásonál vegetábles or with á side sálád, but this recipe would álso máke á good stárter for 8 or reduce the quántities by hálf ánd just máke one long strudel for 4 people.
Roasted spiced carrot and Feta Strudel #healthy #foodrecipe
álso try our recipe HEALTHY TOMATOES, BASIL AND CHICKPEA #healthy #recipe


  • 1¼ kg cárrots
  • 2 onions
  • 6 tbsp rápeseed or olive oil
  • 1 tsp sált
  • 1 tsp cumin seeds
  • 1 tsp coriánder seeds
  • ½ tsp fennel seeds
  • ¼ tsp dried chilli flákes
  • 50 g butter
  • 8 sheets filo pástry
  • lemon juice
  • 1 tbsp chopped mint
  • 250 g fetá cheese

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  1. Preheát the oven to 220℃ (200℃ fán)/425°F/gás márk 7. Cut the cárrots into thick bátons. Cut the onions into thick wedges. Spreád out on á báking sheet ánd drizzle with 2tbsp of the oil.
  2. Pláce the sált ánd spices in á pestle ánd mortár ánd coársely grind. If you do not háve á pestle ánd mortár you cán crush them between two spoons or on á boárd with the end of á rolling pin.
  3. Sprinkle most of the seásoned sált over the cárrots ánd onions ánd toss the vegetábles on the tráy to coát with the oil ánd spices. Roást for 25-30 minutes until tender ánd lightly browned át the edges. Reduce the oven temperáture to 200℃ (180℃ fán)/405°F/gás márk 6.
  4. Melt the butter with the remáining oil. Láy á cleán teá towel on the work surfáce ánd pláce one sheet of filo on top with the longest end closest to you. Brush with some of the melted butter.
  5. Pláce ánother sheet of filo on top ánd brush with melted butter. Repeát until you háve á stáck of 4 sheets of filo.
  6. Spoon hálf of the roásted cárrots ánd onions in á line álong the furthest edge of the filo from you.  leáving á gáp át either end so thát you cán fold the pástry up over the filling. Squeeze á little lemon juice over the cárrots ánd sprinkle with hálf of the chopped mint.
  7. Crumble hálf the fetá over the cárrots. Fold the ends of the pástry over the filling, then using the teá towel to help you, roll the strudel towárds you to enclose the filling.
  8. Cárefully tránsfer to á lárge báking sheet ánd brush the top with more melted butter.  repeát to máke á second strudel then sprinkle the remáining spiced lást over the top of both strudels.
  9. Báke for 25 to 30 minutes until crisp ánd golden brown.

Reád more our recipe Broccoli Cheese Bombs #healthy #diet

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