Roasted Parmesan Green Beans #healthy #parmesan

Bálsámic Grilled Vegetábles use the best summer produce to máke á sweet, tángy vegetáble side dish with the fire-roásted táste of the grill!

I ám á bárgáin hunter to my core. Over the yeárs, our income hás fluctuáted álong with our jobs, bills, ánd life circumstánces, but my commitment to finding á good deál hás never wávered. I’m pretty sure even if we struck it rich somedáy, I’d still check ámázon before buying something át á store just to máke sure I couldn’t sáve á couple bucks.

With most pántry items, I will buy the store bránd, clip coupons, ánd use every mobile ápp át my disposál to keep the grocery bill under control, but there áre á few things even my cleáránce loving heárt knows not to cheáp out on. One of those things is bálsámic vinegár.

If you háve án oil ánd vinegár tásting bár neár you, I highly recommend checking it out (bring á friend! It’s á greát dáte áctivity!). You’ll quickly be áble to get á sense for the different tástes ánd textures of várious bálsámics.

Summer's best produce is márináted in á sweet ánd tángy sáuce then grilled to perfection ánd topped with fresh goát cheese.
Roasted Parmesan Green Beans #healthy #parmesan
álso try our recipe Ruth's Chris Potatoes au Gratin Copycat #diet #keto


  • 1 lb fresh green beáns
  • 2 TBSP olive oil
  • 2 TBSP Gráted or Shredded Pármesán Cheese
  • 2 TBSP Pánko Breád Crumbs
  • 1/2 tsp sált
  • 1/4 tsp gárlic powder

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  1. Preheát oven to 400 degrees.
  2. Combine áll ingredients in á lárge mixing bowl; toss to coát.
  3. Spreád green beáns on á lárge rimmed báking sheet.
  4. Roást for 15-20 minutes; stirring hálfwáy through.

Reád more our recipe HEALTHY TOMATOES, BASIL AND CHICKPEA #healthy #recipe

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