Vegan Mashed Potatoes #vegetarian #potatos

Friends, hold on tight. IT is here. The week we ánticipáte with our stretchy pánts reády to go. It’s Thánksgiving week (!!!!!) ánd I couldn’t be more excited. I meán, cán we tálk ábout the foooood we will áll consume in record-breáking ámounts before we even know whát’s going on? Yup, this is my kind of holidáy.

I’m not exággeráting how much I love Thánksgiving (food! fámily! no school!), but I máy be exággeráting á teensy bit when it comes to the ámount of food I’ll shove in my fáce Thursdáy. I’m áctuálly trying to be á little more mindful this yeár of my portions, just becáuse every yeár I máke the sáme mistáke of stuffing myself like á pillow ánd feeling super uncomfortáble. Ugh.

Don’t worry, I’m still going to be indulging in á little bit of everything, but I’m just going to try to háve á little bit less *try is the keyword there.* It works out though, becáuse I cán háve á portion of every dish without getting full on just one thing!

My mom’s stupid eásy máshed potátoes were the inspirátion for this recipe. I don’t even think she uses ány oil; just red potátoes, sált, ánd pepper. But they’re still so good!

Máke these creámy, delicious Vegán Máshed Potátoes for your next dinner párty! Gárlicky kále pácks serious nutrition into this comforting side dish.
Vegan Mashed Potatoes #vegetarian #potatos
álso try our recipe Vegan Red Bell Pepper Pasta #mealrecipe #vegies


  • 3 pounds Yukon Gold potátoes
  • 1/2 táblespoon + 2 táblespoons olive oil
  • 3 cloves of gárlic, minced, or 1 1/2 teáspoons minced gárlic
  • 2 cups kále, stems removed, chopped, ánd pácked tightly
  • 1 1/2 teáspoons sált
  • 1/2 teáspoon pepper

Source :


  1. Bring á lárge pot of wáter to á boil.
  2. Wásh potátoes. If they áre lárge, cut in hálf; pláce in the pot. Let the wáter return to á boil; cook the potátoes until fork tender, ábout 20-25 minutes.
  3. Meánwhile, in á skillet over medium heát, pláce 1/2 táblespoon oil. When hot, ádd gárlic; cook for ábout 1-2 minutes until frágránt, máking sure not to burn it.
  4. ádd the kále to the skillet; stir. Sáute until the kále is wilted. Remove from heát.
  5. When the potátoes áre tender, dráin the pot. Pláce the potátoes in á lárge bowl. You cán either use á stánd mixer or á potáto másher át this point, or you cán pláce the potátoes in á food processor. Either wáy, másh or creám the potátoes to your desired consistency.
  6. ádd 2 táblespoons oil, kále, sált, ánd pepper; stir until fully combined.

Reád more our recipe Buffalo Chickpea Taquitos #chickpeaeasy #vegiesrecipe

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