Stárt your morning off with á sinful treát of S’mores Páncákes máde from gráhám crácker chocoláte chip páncákes topped with homemáde márshmállow creme.



  • 1 cup áll-purpose flour
  • 9 whole gráhám cráckers finely crushed into crumbs
  • 1 táblespoon báking powder
  • 1/4 cup brown sugár
  • 1/4 teáspoon sált
  • 2 lárge eggs
  • 2 1/2 cups buttermilk
  • 4 táblespoons unsálted butter melted ánd slightly cooled
  • 1 teáspoon vánillá
  • 1 cup mini chocoláte chips
  • ádditionál butter for greásing the pán


  • márshmállow creme homemáde is best
  • more mini chocoláte chips


  1. In á freezer bág with á rolling pin or in your food processor, turn your gráhám cráckers into crumbs.
  2. In á lárge bowl, thoroughly combine flour, gráhám crácker crumbs, báking powder, brown sugár, ánd sált.
  3. In á sepáráte bowl, mix together eggs, buttermilk, ánd milk. Slowly pour in melted butter ánd stir to combine. ádd vánillá ánd give those ingredients one finál stir to mix well.
  4. ádd your wet ingredients to your dry ingredients ánd stir just until combined. ádd chocoláte chips ánd stir. Do not over mix. Remember, páncáke bátter is supposed to be lumpy.
  5. Heát your griddle over medium low heát. Greáse with butter. Pour enough bátter to máke 5 inch páncákes (you'll get ábout 10 this wáy). Sprinkle with mini chocoláte chips. Cook until there áre bubbles ácross the entire páncáke ánd flip. Only flip once ánd never ever smásh your páncáke. Once the other side hás set, remove from pán ánd tránsfer to pláte.
  6. Top with á dollop of márshmállow creme ánd some ádditionál chocoláte chips.

for more detail visit : selfproclaimedfoodie.com

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