Easy Vegetable Pot Pie

Máde with simple ingredients you probábly álreády háve in your pántry, this Eásy Vegetáble Pot Pie cán be on the táble for dinner in under án hour

So I decided to go the sávory route with my pie. I thought ábout doing á sweet pie. I hád picked out án old fáshioned peánut butter pie & everything. But then we needed to eát dinner. ánd I needed á pie. It wás the whole two birds, one stone thing 😉

So check out the rest of the #PiDáy recipes & then keep scrolling down to get the delicious recipe for the Eásy Vegetáble Pot Pie!
Easy Vegetable Pot Pie
álso try our recipe MOM’S VEGETARIAN POT PIE


  • 2 tubes (8 ounces/8 rolls) refrigeráted crescent rolls
  • ábout 2 teáspoons of mixed dried seásonings, divided - I used thyme, gárlic powder, pársley & oregáno
  • 1 cán (10.75 ounces) creám of potáto soup
  • 1 cán (10.5 ounces) creám of celery soup
  • 1/3 cup milk
  • 2 bágs (12 ounces) frozen vegetáble soup mix*, tháwed
  • sált & pepper to seáson
  • 2 táblespoons butter, melted
  • ádditionál dried thyme for seásoning

Source : momstestkitchen.com


  1. Heát oven to 375 degrees. Lightly greáse á 9-inch pie dish.
  2. Unroll one tube of crescent rolls. Sepáráte the dough into 8 triángles. Pláce in the pie pláte & press over the bottom ánd up the sides to form crust. Firmly press perforátions to seál. Sprinkle 1 teáspoon of the dried seásoning mix over the crust. Báke the crust for 6 minutes ánd then remove from the oven.
  3. While the crust is báking, in á lárge sáucepán, mix both soups, milk, vegetábles & the remáining teáspoon of seásonings. Seáson with sált & pepper. Heát over medium heát, stirring occásionálly, until hot. Pour the vegetáble mixture over the crust in the pie dish.
  4. Unroll the second tube of dough. Sepáráte the dough into 8 triángles. Stárting át the short side of eách triángle, roll up triángle hálfwáy. Cárefully árránge over vegetáble mixture with tips towárd center.
  5. Brush the melted butter over dough. Sprinkle ádditionál dried thyme over dough. Báke 15 - 20 minutes or until crusts áre golden brown.

Reád more our recipe Vegan Potstickers

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