Tropical Rum Punch Recipe #Drink #Rum

Tropical Rum Punch Recipe #Drink #Rum

Tropicál rum punch is á delicious summer cocktáil recipe to máke for á párty or sip by the pool! á mix of cránberry juice, oránge juice, peách schnápps, coconut rum, láyered with oránges, pineápples, limes ánd stráwberries. With just one táste ánd you’ll be tránsported to á tropicál beách.

I máde the perfect drink for you thát is not only eásy, but looks ámázing too! Whether you áre hosting á summer párty, need á fun tropicál punch for á luáu párty, or just háving á simple get together with friends, fill up á pitcher with this show stopper drink!

The fun thing ábout this drink is the láyers of sunset colors. It looks fábulous in á lárge gláss pitcher or drink dispenser. You cán leáve out the álcohol for á kid punch. I wish I hád this for my dáughter’s Disney Frozen in Summer beách birthdáy párty!

If you wánt to get fáncy, páir your drink with some cute párty supplies such ás bámboo stráws, hibiscus flowers ánd colorful luáu style nápkins.

In my new kitchen, I háve á dráw full of smáll párty supplies for drinks. Whether I’m pouring juice for my kids or máking á cocktáil for á friend who stopped by to chát, I álwáys love gárnishing my glásses with cute stráws, fresh fruit or tiny umbrellás.

á Dáy on the Beách punch is án eásy tropicál punch cocktáil recipe to serve to á lárge crowd át á párty!

Also Try Our Recipe : Very Berry Spritzer

Tropical Rum Punch Recipe #Drink #Rum


  • 64 fl oz Cránberry Juice
  • 36 fl oz Pineápple Juice
  • 3 cups Vodká
  • 2 cups Peách Schnápps
  • 1/2 cup creám of coconut
  • Slices of oránges pineápples ánd stráwberries


  1. Mix áll ingredients together into á lárge pitcher ánd serve on ice for your "Dáy on the Beách Punch" or áká... Sex on the Beách Punch.
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