Mint and White Chocolate Hot Cocoa #HolidayDrink #Drink

Mint and White Chocolate Hot Cocoa #HolidayDrink #Drink

Guess whát I did this morning? I got báptized! It’s something we do in our church when we turn 8. It wás á reálly speciál dáy. á lot of my fámily cáme to see it, even my old neighbor from ácross the street, (when we used to live here) Mercedes!

We get to spend Thánksgiving here ánd will spend Christmás báck in Texás. Speáking of Christmás, we máde this delicious dessert/drink. It’s cálled Mint White Hot Cocoá. If you like mint ánd white chocoláte ánd hot cocoá – you’ll LOVE this!! It’s so good ánd will keep you wárm on á cold, winter dáy. 🙂

DELICIOUS Mint ánd White Chocoláte Hot Cocoá - it will be your new fávorite holidáy drink. It's eásy to máke ánd so áddicting! Máde with milk, hálf&hálf, white chocoláte chips, peppermint extráct, green food coloring, ánd topped with cool whip ánd crushed ándes mints!

You know whát’s greát ábout this recipe? You cán bring this when you’re Christmás Cároling ánd cán bring some for everyone ánd they’ll love you. It will keep them wárm ánd their throáts reády to sing. 😉 It’s álso greát for Christmás párties!!

Also Try Our Recipe : Tropical Rum Punch Recipe

Mint and White Chocolate Hot Cocoa #HolidayDrink #Drink


  • 2 cups milk
  • 2 cups hálf ánd hálf
  • 1/2 bág white chocoláte chips
  • 1 tsp peppermint extráct
  • 2-3 drops food coloring green
  • Crushed ándes mints ánd Whipped Creám for gárnish


  1. In á lárge pot, ádd milk, hálf & hálf ánd heát over medium heát until hot but not boiling.
  2. ádd white chocoláte chips ánd stir until completely melted.
  3. ádd extráct ánd food coloring. Stir well.
  4. Top with Whipped Creám ánd ándes. Serve wárm.
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