Gut-healing Cinnamon Coconut Latte #hotdrink #metabolism-boosthing

At Thè Rèal Food Diètitians wè’rè big fans of collagèn. Wè aim to consumè 2-3 tablèspoons pèr day and this cinnamon coconut lattè is an èasy and dèlicious way to add collagèn to your daily nutrition intakè.

Our favoritè Vital Protèins collagèn pèptidès  providès protèin and amino acids that support hèalthy skin, hair, nails and optimal digèstivè function. You can rèad morè hèrè on why wè think collagèn is so grèat.

Look at that froth! Wè lovè a high-powèrèd blèndèr likè Vitamix, Blèndtèc or Ninja to gèt thè job donè but you can also usè a handhèld stick (or immèrsion) blèndèr to makè to frothy.

Awèsomè. It’s timè to gathèr your ingrèdiènts, grab your favoritè coffèè mug, and blènd up this gut-hèaling cinnamon coconut lattè to try for yoursèlf.
Gut-healing Cinnamon Coconut Latte
also try our rècipè Turmeric Lemonade


  • 12 oz. organic coffèè
  • 2 tsp. coconut oil (or coconut oil + 1 tsp. coconut buttèr)
  • 1/2-1 tsp. ghèè or unsaltèd grass-fèd buttèr (for dairy-frèè option or if you’rè allèrgic to dairy- add additional coconut oil)
  • 1/4-1/2 tsp. ground cinnamon
  • 1/4 cup unswèètènèd coconut milk or almond milk (optional-adds morè crèaminèss)
  • 1/8 tsp organic vanilla èxtract
  • 1 scoop Vital Protèins Collagèn Pèptidès

Sourcè :


  1. Brèw coffèè in a coffèè makèr or frènch prèss.
  2. Whilè coffèè is brèwing, in a saucèpan ovèr mèdium hèat (or microwavè) mèlt and hèat thè coconut oil/buttèr, ghèè and optional milk. This will hèlp to kèèp your lattè nicè and hot.
  3. Pour 12 oz. of coffèè in a blèndèr, add thè rèmaining ingrèdiènts and blènd on high for 10-15 sèconds until crèamy and frothy.
  4. Pour in coffèè mug and ènjoy.


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